#011 - Draw and animate like a pro

Welcome to this week's issue of AppHunt! My name is Paul, and I'll guide you through the app jungle today!
Devices like the iPad with Apple Pencil support have a lot of potential for creating art and animations. This week's apps help you exactly with that. There's also some more info about following issues of AppHunt at the end of this week's issue.
Looom is a really cute but powerful animation app. With it, you can make your drawings come to life by animating them in a flip-book like way. The UI is cleverly made, by hiding settings, so they don't get into your way when drawing. Every color has its own animation loop with a changeable amount of frames. You can change the animation speed, record your masterpiece, or play around with the colors. Looom just looks great and has exactly the right amount of features for its purpose. Like all other apps in this issue, Looom supports the Apple Pencil.