#013 - Currencies, Pasting, and Zombies

Welcome to this week's issue of AppHunt! My name is Paul, and I'll guide you through the app jungle today!
This week's issue is another interesting combo of apps. We've got a great currency converter, an app for smart copy & pasting, and an interesting running app. Let's get right into it!
Currenzy is a currency conversion app by the maker of Calzy. After a long time of not being updated, Currenzy is finally shining again with a new look and improved functionality. First of all, it looks great (similar design to Calzy) and is fast, but that's not all! You can create conversion bookmarks for your favorite currencies and scan prices with your camera to see the price in your preferred currency. There's still more: custom actions, home screen widgets, and a freakin' Safari extension for live currency conversion on websites are the cherry on the cake!